Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Nicht so schlimm

Nicolas Fargues tells in his work "j’étais terrière toi" (I was behind you), as he affirms, autobiographical and truely honest the story of his divorce with all it’s power games, crookedness, aggression and guilt, which this one includes. The narrator finds himself again, someone who was already lost, when he recovers that he is still a man, adored by other women inspite of his wife. Still he is beaten by the knowledge that also his wife is not that innocent, as he’d wish her to be. But with all his sense of indeptness he stays a faint for a long time until he recognizes that neither his wife nor himself will be happy together again.

Even when I got unhappy and cutty while reading the book, looking at this crap relationship, it showed me again, that every change needs time and that there are no guarantees for a steady life at all – and would’nt that be boring?

author: nicolas fargues
publisher: rowohlt (german)

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