Friday, 12 February 2010

Miniature Painting

I already wrote about the fine miniatures game Hordes twice (see links below) - but both times I concentrated on the game itself (rules, gameplay) or on putting together a powerful army. This time I want to focus on how to paint the plain miniatures. I want to point out that I'm neither a talented nor an experienced painter, but nevertheless I think it's possible to beautify your miniatures and add to the overall experience of gameplay. And anyway it's a nice thing to paint the models you want to play with on your own...

After mounting the miniatures I used a black primer to prepare the models for the paint. Afterwards I looked up some pretty pictures of already painted models and decided which colors I want to use. Then I started with painting the bigger areas, until after some drying phases I finished the models with small stuff like painting eyes or armor (special metal colour available for that purpose). I definitely can recommend Valllejo colors, as they are of great quality and stick very well to the miniature. For beginners I think it's a good idea to start with some set of colors (16 different colors are in there), for me it was definitely enough.

There are a lot of online tutorials available for improving your paining skills (a google search should proof this), e.g. how to paint shades. To be honest, for the beginning I just wanted to have some simple painted models - without spending huge amounts of time and effort on this subject. So I just focused on some quick and straight-forward painting, which I not only enjoyed doing but which fully served my purpose. So, just give it a try - you will see it's fun!

You can buy these fine stuff @

Vallejo Game Color: Intro Set
Vallejo Primer
Hobby Brush - Starter Set

Other articles about Hordes:

Hordes: General Introduction
Hordes: Trollblood Army

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