Sunday 26 February 2017

Machi Koro

Machi Koro ist ein einfaches, aber äußerst unterhaltsames Kartenspiel in dem es darum geht eine kleine Stadt aufzubauen. Jeder Spieler legt sehr ansprechend gestaltete Gebäude- und Aktionskarten vor sich aus, um möglichst viele Erträge zu erwirtschaften und diese in weitere gewinnbringende Bauwerke zu investieren.

In jeder Runde wird erst gewürfelt um zu ermitteln welche Karten in diesem Zug Geld einbringen, danach darf ein weiteres Gebäude gekauft und gebaut werden. Zur Auswahl stehen viele Gebäude (Bauernhof, Möbelfabrik, Wald, Bergwerk,….) die Geld aus der Kasse aber auch zum Teil von Mitspielern einbringen, und so auch für spannende Interaktion sorgen. Es gibt viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten die Karten zu kombinieren, um so in den Genuß von Sondereffekten zu kommen. Die Spiele laufen dadurch auch immer wieder anders ab und halten die Motivation hoch.

Zwei bis vier Spieler versuchen die perfekte Kombinationen von Bauwerken auszulegen, um schneller als die Gegner die Siegbedingungen zu erfüllen – nämlich die Errichtung aller vier Großprojekte erfolgreich abzuschließen. Das Spiel sieht toll aus, ist leicht zugänglich und macht viel Spaß – immer wieder…. :-) Wir können es kaum erwarten mit der ersten Erweiterung zu spielen, die bald erscheinen wird. Dazu hoffentlich auch hier demnächst mehr.

Herstellerinformation: In Machi Koro zeigen 108 liebevoll gestaltete Karten Cafés, Bauernhöfe, Möbelfabriken, Mini-Märkte, Wälder, Apfelplantagen, Familien-Restaurants und vieles mehr. Es gibt unzählige Möglichkeiten, seine eigene kleine Stadt zu gestalten. Für jedes seiner erbauten Gebäude erhält der Spieler Einnahmen, wenn die entsprechende Augenzahl gewürfelt wird. Bestimmte Kombinationen von Bauten erhöhen das eigene Einkommen. Andere Gebäuden bewirken, dass Mitspieler Münzen abgeben müssen. Es gilt, genug Einnahmen zu erwirtschaften, um zuerst die vier Großprojekte Bahnhof, Einkaufszentrum, Freizeitpark und Funkturm errichten zu können. Machi Koro ist ein kurzweiliges, für jeden leicht zugängliches Aufbauspiel und zum „Spiel des Jahres“ nominiert.

Verlag: Kosmos

Erhältlich im Spielwarenfachhandel

Las Vegas

Las Vegas ist DIE Überraschung der letzten Monate für uns. Es kommt immer und immer wieder auf den Tisch - da es spannend, einfach und lustig ist. Und man einfach nicht aufhören kann...! ;-)

Jeder Spieler hat zu Beginn des Spiels 8 Würfel zur Verfügung, die er möglichst gewinnbringend auf die einzelnen Casinos verteilen muss. Allerdings gilt es immer auch die Mitspieler im Auge zu behalten, um den eigenen Erfolg zu maximieren und den anderen vielleicht im letzten Moment noch Geld vor der Nase wegzuschnappen. Nach vier Runden wird das gewonnene Geld dann summiert und der verdiente Sieger ermittelt.
Die Anleitung ist kurz und sehr verständlich geschrieben, man kann also rasch mit dem ersten Spiel loslegen. Eine Spielzeit von rund 20 Minuten garantiert kurzweilige Unterhaltung, und man hängt oft noch eine weitere Runde an! Ein wirklich gelungenes Spiel für die ganze Familie!

Herstellerinformation: Die Spieler schlüpfen in die Rolle von risikofreudigen Zockern, die in der Glitzerwelt von Las Vegas ihr Würfelglück versuchen. Sechs Casinos können besucht werden, jedes zeigt eine andere Würfelzahl und bei jedem kann im Allgemeinen unterschiedlich viel Geld abgeräumt werden. 
Runde für Runde stellen sich die gleichen Fragen: Wo soll ich meine Würfel vorwiegend platzieren, um dort eine Mehrheit zu gewinnen? Auf welche Casinos setzen meine Mitspieler? Und wo kann ich einem Kontrahenten vielleicht noch ein nettes Sümmchen entreißen und in die eigene Tasche würfeln? 
Doch aufgepasst, so mancher Wettstreit um die fetten Dollars ist schon nach hinten losgegangen und am Ende freut sich ein lachender Dritte! Es gewinnt, wer nach vier Durchgängen das meiste Geld besitzt. 

Für 2-5 Spieler. 
Ab 8 Jahren. 
Spieldauer: ca. 15-35 Minuten. 

Hersteller: Ravensburger

Erhältlich im Spielwarenfachhandel

Five Tribes

Five Tribes ist ein vielgelobtes Brettspiel mit neuen und erfrischenden Ideen, das - wie von Days of Wonder gewohnt - auch mit einer tollen Aufmachung aufwarten kann. Autor ist der bekannte Spielemacher Bruno Cathala.

Grundsätzlich versuchen 2-4 Spieler den Thron des Sultans von Naquala zu erobern. Im Gegensatz zu den bekannten "Worker-Placement" Mechanismen, gilt es bei Five Tribes nun die Arbeiter so gewinnbringend wie möglich vom Spielfeld zu entfernen - und damit benötigte Aktionen auszulösen und Punkte zu sammeln.

Zu Beginn liegen 30 Plättchen (= Orte) aus, die mit je 3 Arbeitern (zufälliger Farbe) besetzt sind. In jedem Zug muss man nun ein Feld auswählen, die Arbeiter aufnehmen und für jede Bewegung wieder ein Männchen absetzen. Die Arbeiter vom letzten Feld darf man aufnehmen, und anschließend sowohl deren Aktion (aufgrund der Farbe) als auch die Aktion des Ortes ausführen. Man kann auch Felder in Besitz nehmen und damit weitere Siegpunkte sammeln. Der Spieler mit den meisten Siegpunkten gewinnt.

Five Tribes ist dank der beiliegenden Spielhilfen schnell erklärt und macht vor allem mit mehreren Spielern viel Spaß. Aufgrund der vielen Möglichkeiten besteht ein wenig die Gefahr dass das Nachdenken (Analyse-Paralyse) von dafür prädestinierten Spielern etwas übertrieben wird und sich das Spiel in die Länge zieht. Am besten mit Sanduhr spielen... ;-) Ansonsten aber klare Empfehlung für ein innovatives, hübsch aufgemachtes Spiel mit eleganten und einfachen Mechanismen.

Herstellerinformation: Auf ihrem Weg durch die Länder von 1001 Nacht erreicht deine Karawane das sagenumwobene Sultanat von Naqala. Der alte Sultan ist jüngst verstorben und der Thron von Naqala ist verwaist!

Das Orakel kündete von Fremden, die da kommen werden, um die Fünf Sippen zu lenken und um Macht und Einfluss im Sultanat ringen werden, auf dass einer von ihnen die Oberhand gewinne.

Wirst du es sein, der die Prophezeiung erfüllt? Beschwöre alte Dschinn und lenke die Sippen weise – und das Sultanat wird dein sein!


30 Plättchen
2 Sätze Spielfiguren mit je 8 Kamelen und je 1 Spieler-Zuganzeiger
2 Sätze Spielfiguren mit je 11 Kamelen und je 2 Spieler-Zuganzeigern
90 Sippen-Spielfiguren (= Meeple) aus Holz in einem Beutel
12 Palmen und 10 Paläste, 22 Dschinnkarten
54 Rohstoffkarten, 96 Goldmünzen
1 Bietreihenfolge- und 1 Zugreihenfolge-Leiste
Ein Block mit Wertungsblättern
5 Spiel- und Dschinn-Übersichtsblätter
1 Spielregelheft

Für 2-4 Spieler, ab 12 Jahren, 40-80 Minuten

Hersteller: Days of WonderAsmodee

Erhältlich im Spielwarenfachhandel


Thursday 12 November 2015

Rivet Wars: Eastern Front

"A great, fast paced tactical miniatures board game."

Rivet Wars is an example of a great game showing up initally on Kickstarter. It's a SciFi/Fantasy war game (WW1) in its roots, and implements "Real-Time-Strategy" elements in an interesting and suiting way. Also the comic style of the miniatures is very appealing in this outstanding two player game. 


The game comes as a complete package in a medium-sized, although fully packed, box. The quality of the miniatures is excellent, also thick card board is provided as well as overall great artwork. CoolMiniOrNot did a very nice production job on this.


The basis of the game are five phases: Card Draw, Deployment, Movement, Combat, Wrap Up. In the card phase Action- and Secret Mission cards are drawn, which give the players some individual possibilities and goals. Next according to your deployment points you add new units to the field each turn. Then combat is resolved with a simple dice system including the known factors like attack/armor and range. In difference to many other systems you do not attack the enemy units, but the grid field... This gives interesting options. The movement phase is straight-forward, as well as the following calculation of victory points, by checking victory conditions and special capturing objectives.

I really like this game with its simple, but nevertheless challenging mechanisms and gameplay. The miniatures are cool, the RTS parts work out really great and the Action- and Secret Mission cards add some good randomness to the game. It's an elegant system, where there is place for tactical decisions, for tension and of course also fun. Highly recommended!

From the publisher: Rivet Wars Eastern Front is a tactical miniatures game for 2 or more players. Each player takes on the role of the commander of a Rivet army representing one of the warring factions. As a commander you will engage the opposition in battle and take charge of your troops as they are called up and sent to the front to fight. By understanding all of your units’ strengths and weaknesses and those of your opponent you will counter your enemies’ advances and capture critical objectives to secure your victory. But choosing the wrong troops can lead to disaster, defeat, and possibly even your dismissal as commander!

Box Contents:
38 Highly-Detailed Plastic Miniatures
34-Page Rulebook
16 Stat Cards
2 Stat Dashboards
24 Action! Cards
10 Secret Mission Cards
9 Double-Sided Tiles
1 Tracking Tile
6 Bunker Markers
6 Strategic Objective Markers
6 Minefield Markers
6 Tank trap Markers
6 Razor Wire Markers
12 Flag Tokens
5 Gas Plastic Tokens
4 Victory Plastic Tokens
24 Damage Plastic Markers
6 Six-Sided Dice

2 players, 30 min
Designer: Bill Podurgiel, Ted Terranova
Published by: Asmodee, CoolMiniOrNot
Category: Wargame, Tabletop, Miniatures

Youtube Gameplay Video

Rivet Wars @


Thursday 23 April 2015

Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery

"Guards protect you from schemes launched by rivals. Slaves run your household and earn gold. Gladiators compete to bring glory to themselves and influence to their Dominus."

Based on the famous TV series this boardgames really shines in transferring the excitement and anger to the table. As the dominus of a great house each of the players try to gather as much influence points as possible to win the game. And to reach this target all means are allowed...


The game comes in a box with nice artwork, which is neither too big nor to small for covering all the components involved. You have a thick cardboard map serving as the arena, where your gladiators (pretty nice miniatures) complete their fights. Furthermore cards, tokens, dice and little influence boards for each house are included.


The game is divided into three main phases. First you start with the Intrigue Phase, where you can play your schemes. Negotiations are started, and all possible alliances can occur - whereas no one is bound to his promises, which makes this phase very interesting and entertaining. ;-) Now the Market Phase follows where you can trade slaves, guards, gold, and so on - furthermore you can bid for new cards in the auction part. In the last phase the fight between your gladiators in the arena takes place, and combat is resolved with dice. There are three dice pools (blue dice for movement, red dice for attack and black dice for defense) and with each attack you can reduce the dice pools until one player is beaten.

Despite the fact that boardgames based on TV series are often not the greatest, Spartacus satisfied us all along the line and became one of our most favorite games these days. The rules are not too complex, although delivering deep and exciting gameplay - with lots and lots of interaction. You have to have the "right" crowd on the table, but if they like negotations, bribing, backstabbing, schemes and combat - this is THE game for you!

From the publisher: Spartacus - A Game of Blood & Treachery is an exciting game of twisted schemes and bloody combats inspired by the hit STARZ Original series. Players assume the role of the Dominus of a great house competing for influence in the era of ancient Rome. Players vie for dominance through careful diplomacy, cunning intrigues and the glory of the Arena. Undermine the machinations of rivals, leverage your wealth for advantage at market and pit your gladiators in bloody contest all with the goal of seeing your house rise to supremacy.
Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery combines the excitment of the hit TV show with compelling gameplay appealing to fans and gamers alike.

Plots & Schemes: Mastermind schemes and undermine your rivals with cards from your hand. Betrayal and treachery are the weapons of choice for every Dominus.

Marketplace: Gold greases the wheels of power. Bid against your opponents in the open market; acquire the best new prospects for the Arena!

Blood on the Sand: Pit your champion against your enemy's and wager on the results. The path to victory leads across the sacred sands of the Arena!

- 1 game board
- 4 house cards
- 62 market cards
- 104 intrigue cards
- 148 tokens
- 26 dice
- 4 gladiator figures
- 1 rulebook

3-4 players, 150 min
Designer: Aaron Dill, John Kovaleski, Sean Sweigart
Published by: Battlefront Miniatures
Category: Negotiation, Auction, Fighting

Spartacus @


Wednesday 7 January 2015

MERCS Miniatures

"In MERCS, players must learn to think tactically, overcome and adapt on the fly, and move. Everyone can shoot; survivors know when to shoot and when to grab cover.
Welcome to the cause!"

MERCS is a great skirmish miniatures game set in a science fiction universe. In this distant future Mega Corporations rule the world, and private armies are needed to protect their interests and to achieve their goals. There are four major global players: The CCC (Eastern North America), KemVar (Central South America), FCC (Southwest Eurasia), and the USCR (Northern Eurasia). Each MegaCon has its private military units, and each player controls a squad of the respective faction. Welcome in the World of MERCS = Military Economic Reconnaissance Counter Security!

The game is produced by a company called MegaCon Games, which is a very dedicated group of individuals who publishes also other fine games like Myth or the highly anticipated Merc Recon games. The production value is exceptionally high, as the models are very dynamic and pretty detailed. Also there has been put much effort into creating a tense and exciting world, with a well thought-out background story. The art in general is outstanding and perfectly supports the game.

Each squad consists of five (or six) soldiers with individual skills and weapons. After rolling dice for initiative for each member of your squad you can choose in each turn to either move, attack or hold. Movement is very easy, as you just have to use the included stats cards for measuring the distance and moving. This mechanism works really great. Attacks are resolved as known from similar games with certain modifiers and dice rolls. Also quite simple. Overall the gameplay is very dynamic and fast, and action often takes place simultaneously.

Faction Overiew: CCC (Eastern North America)
great for new players, very flexible, good armor, great all-rounders, package includes sniper, heavy weapon trooper, assault leader, grenades, flamethrower, medic,...

Faction Overview: KemVar (Central South America)
have actice camouflage, they hit relatively light - except the heavy weapon model which has the highest stats all over the game, assassin can move and make a melee attack in one move!

MERCS is a great point to start with miniature gaming. It's very accessible, has quite simple basic rules and can be played in a short amount of time. You can use your 2D or 3D gaming terrain (together with the included terrain cards) and create your own world where the exciting battles of MERCS can take place. At the moment already nine or ten different factions with different strengths and weaknesses are available and make sure that you won't get bored and that you can extend your game of MERCS as you desire.

From the publisher: MERCS is a skirmish game of miniature combat taking place in the future. Games consist of two squads of 5, which have all special equipment and skills. The miniatures act simultanously, using a system of initiative and reaction to determine the exact order of turns.

MERCS uses unique cards as both reference and a means to measure. This streamlined approach means games are faster, with less rule-lawyering, providing a dynamic feel with combat that ebbs and flows.

MERCS tabletop is a fast-moving, high energy miniatures game. It is designed with idea that the game should work in a realistic manner. MERCS isn’t typical. It is not a game players can sit back and shoot each other from across the table. Victory has more to do with the decisions a player makes, then the MegaCon he plays.

In MERCS, players must learn to think tactically, overcome and adapt on the fly, and move. Combat begins and ends with movement. Everyone can shoot; survivors know when to shoot and when to grab cover.

Welcome to the cause!


2-10 players, 120 min
Designer: Brian Shotton, Keith Lowe
Published by: MERCS LLC
Category: Miniatures, Wargame, Science Fiction 



Thursday 16 October 2014


"A reprint of that old classic deduction game, which still hasn't lost its charme!"

As one of four agents you first of all have to find out who is your ally, and then - together with your partner - you have to complete a secret mission. Very charming family game settled in the beautiful city of Venice.

The reprint of this game is produced by Ares Games and meets high quality standards. The box comes with a nice game board, 16 miniatures (which are assembled in a few minutes), passports, envelopes, cards, tokens and an "Ambassador" figure - who acts as some kind of dice. The rules are straight-forward and easy to understand.

There are four characters in the game, and two of them work in pairs: Lord Fiddlebottom and Colonel Bubble are always "working" against Agent X and Madame Zsa Zsae. Each character is represented by 4 figures (a tall one, a short one, a fat one and a thin one) - although only one figure is the real agent, and the others are trying to confuse the enemies. At each turn you have to shake the Ambassador to see which movements you can make, to reach other figures as fast and possible and gather new information through deduction and logical thinking (out of three cards shown, one has to be the "truth". After you have found your ally your final mission is revealed (two parts mixed together show what you have to do), and the first party achieving this mission wins the game. 

The reprint of this old classic deduction game hasn't lost its charme. It's great fun to find out at the beginning who is your ally and what is your mission, and overall the game is also more challenging than for example Cluedo. It is basically a 4 players game, although this new edition also comes with variants for three and five people - these are also fun! It is a simple, nevertheless exciting game - great for the whole family!

From the publisher: The goal of each agent in Inkognito is to complete a mission, together with his partner. At the beginning of the game, however, players don't know which mission they must fulfill!

In the standard four-player game, each player guides one of four secret agents. The four characters are allied in pairs: Lord Fiddlebottom and Colonel Bubble are always partnered against Agent X and Madame Zsa Zsa. Each of the four agents is represented by one of four different figures, with different builds: tall, short, fat, thin. Only one of them represents the actual character controlled by a player. The other three figures represent spies which are friendly to him and that are trying to confuse the opposition.

There is another character with an important role in the game: the Ambassador. He can be used to get clearer information about the other characters. Everyone wants to meet him because he is well-informed and can be useful to accomplish your purposes, but he can also help your rivals, so do everything you can to keep him far from them.

The 2013 version of Inkognito from Ares Games raises the maximum player count to five by allowing someone to play the Ambassador and move it during his turn. He can still gather clues when the other players question the Ambassador during their turn, and the other players can still gather clues from him. The goal of the Ambassador's player is to know everything about the other characters, guessing their identities and builds. If the Ambassador achieves "perfect knowledge" before a team accomplishes its secret missions, he wins the game.

3-5 players, 90 min
Designer: Leo Colovini, Alex Randolph
Published by: Ares Games
Category: Deduction, Spies, Family Games, Movement

Inkognito @
